PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket

About the show

PodRocket covers everything you need to know about frontend web development on a weekly basis. Join LogRocket cofounder Ben Edelstein, the LogRocket engineering team, and more, as they interview experienced developers about all the libraries, frameworks, and tech industry issues they deal with every day.

PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket on social media


  • Remix in 2023 with Michael Jackson

    January 24th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  31 mins 26 secs
    #remix #shopify

    In this episode, Michael Jackson joins us to talk about Remix joining Shopify! We cover topics like Hydrogen (the Shopify stack for headless commerce), the future of Remix, and more!

  • The state of CSS in 2023 with Adam Argyle

    January 20th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  35 mins 22 secs

    CSS all-star Adam Argyle, Chrome CSS and UI Developer Relations at Google and part of the CSS Working Group, joins us to review how CSS changed in 2022 and what we should expect in 2023.

  • Vercel and Platforms Starter Kit with Steven Tey

    January 18th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  36 mins 10 secs

    DevRel at Vercel, Steven Tey, joins us to talk about Platforms Starter Kit, a new template for site builders. We talk about Vercel, multi-tenant platforms, and low-code tools.

  • Zod with Matt Pocock

    January 17th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  29 mins 4 secs
    typescript, zod

    We welcome back TypeScript’s “it” guy, Matt Pocock, onto the podcast to talk about Zod, how it aids in working with TypeScript, and how to use it.

  • The Launch Pad with Tru Narla, Trash Dev, and Paige Niedringhaus

    January 13th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  41 mins 2 secs
    frontend, javascript, svelte kit

    2023 has just begun but we have a lot to get through already with our second episode of The Launch Pad. Tru Narla, Trash Dev, and Paige Niedringhaus join us to talk about the state of frontend going into 2023, the release of the long-anticipated SvelteKit 1.0, and how JavaScript is in its golden age.

  • Micro-frontends with React Router 6 with Ruben Casas

    January 11th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  40 mins 40 secs

    What are micro-frontends and why are more companies using them? Staff Engineer at Postman, Ruben Casas, joins us to talk about decoupling the monolith with micro-frontends and more.

  • Functional programming with Elm with Lindsay Wardell

    January 10th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  23 mins 37 secs
    elm, functional programming, vite

    Lindsay Wardell, engineer at NoRedInk, comes on to talk about her recent Vite Conf talk, “Functional programming in Vite with Elm,” to tell us what functional programming is and why it’s beneficial.

  • SolidStart with Ryan Carniato

    January 6th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  43 mins 55 secs
    server side rendering, solid, solidstart, vite

    Ryan Carniato comes back on PodRocket to talk about SolidStart, the Solid app framework. We talk about the Solid ecosystem, server-side rendering in JavaScript, and how Vite was a game changer for Ryan. Listen now.

  • Deep diving on concurrent React with Matheus Albuquerque

    January 4th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  38 mins 7 secs
    concurrent react, react

    Matheus Albuquerque, Senior Frontend Engineer at Medallia, comes onto the show to talk about his recent React Advanced conference talk, “Deep diving on concurrent React.”

  • Understanding React's Fiber architecture with Tejas Kumar

    January 3rd, 2023  |  Season 3  |  25 mins 1 sec
    react, react fiber

    Tejas Kumar returns to PodRocket to go into the internals of React: React’s Fiber architecture.

  • Improve how you architect web apps with Addy Osmani and Lydia Hallie (Repeat)

    December 30th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  40 mins 10 secs
    javascript, react, web apps

    Originally published on August 3rd, 2022.
    We are taking some time off from production. We will be back with new episodes on January 3rd, 2023.

    Patterns.dev is a free book on design patterns and component patterns for building powerful web apps with vanilla JavaScript and React. Join authors, Addy Osmani and Lydia Hallie as they discuss patterns, tips, and tricks for improving how you architect apps.

  • Styling the intrinsic web with Mia Suzanne (Repeat)

    December 28th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  50 mins 40 secs
    css, design, responsive design, web design

    Originally published on August 16th, 2022.
    We are taking some time off from production. We will be back with new episodes on January 3rd, 2023.

    We talk to Mia Suzanne about her recent talk, “Styling the intrinsic web,” which details how responsive design has evolved over the past decade and how intrinsic design can still be compatible with responsive design.

  • Bun with Jarred Sumner (Repeat)

    December 27th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  27 mins 56 secs
    bun, javascript, runtime

    Originally published on August 5th, 2022.
    We are taking some time off from production. We will be back with new episodes on January 3rd, 2023.

    Bun has been one of the most talked about JavaScript runtimes since its release, and we got to talk to Jarred Sumner, the creator of Bun, about why it’s so fast, how it’s competing with Node, and more.

  • Married to HTTP/3 with Robin Marx (Repeat)

    December 23rd, 2022  |  Season 2  |  36 mins 4 secs
    http, http3, quic

    Originally published on July 28th, 2022.
    We are taking some time off from production. We will be back with new episodes on January 3rd, 2023.

    In this episode, we talk to Robin Marx, solutions architect at Akamai, about HTTP/3, the third version of the HTTP protocol, how it can be used, and how it’s developed over the past decade.

  • Rocket Surgery: 2022 in review with Kaelan Cooter and Noel Minchow

    December 21st, 2022  |  Season 2  |  1 hr 4 mins
    frontend development, javascript, web development

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to serve hot takes on 2022. Join PodRocket hosts Noel and Kaelan as they discuss the ups and downs of web development in 2022, what they hated, what they loved, and how they think the industry will change in 2023.

  • Vue's road to Vite with Haoqun Jiang

    December 20th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  23 mins 10 secs
    frontend, javascript, vue

    Haoqun Jiang, a Vue.js and Vite core team member, joins us to talk about how the Vue core team decided to move from Vue CLI to Vite and what that process entailed.