Paul Mikulskis
Co-Host of PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket
Software Engineer at LogRocket
Paul Mikulskis has hosted 181 Episodes.
HTMX v2 with Carson Gross
March 6th, 2024 | Season 4 | 33 mins 55 secs
We welcome back Carson Gross, creator of HTMX, to talk about the upcoming release of HTMX v2 and all its new features and updates.
Your JavaScript runtime questions answered
February 29th, 2024 | Season 4 | 44 mins 40 secs
You asked us your most pressing questions about JavaScript runtimes, so join Matteo Collina, Node.js TSC member and Co-founder and CTO of Platformatic, and Kevin Whinnery, Dev Rel at Deno, as they answer those questions.
Astro IRL with Eddy Vinck
February 21st, 2024 | Season 4 | 31 mins 17 secs
Eddy Vinck, Senior Software Engineer at FrontValue, shares how he uses Astro in his day-to-day development with practical applications.
Secure by design with Vanessa Villa
February 14th, 2024 | Season 4 | 30 mins 15 secs
We welcome on Vanessa Villa, Developer Advocate at Pangea, to explain what the secure by design movement is about and how it shifts security to the beginning of the development cycle.
Architectural cloud design patterns with Keith "Danger" Casey
February 7th, 2024 | Season 4 | 39 mins 47 secs
design patterns
When moving to the Cloud, there are plenty of bad habits devs bring with them. In this episode, we talk to Keith “Danger” Casey, Senior Product Manager at Pangea, to talk helpful design patterns when working in the cloud.
React frustrations, web components, and hot takes
January 31st, 2024 | Season 4 | 37 mins 30 secs
react, web components, web development
In this month’s panel episode, we talk to Cassidy Williams, Michael Chan, and Atila Fassina about why web components are having a moment, mounting frustrations with React, and our guests’ hottest takes on web development.
HTML web components with Chris Ferdinandi
January 24th, 2024 | Season 4 | 27 mins 44 secs
web components
Web components are having a renaissance and Chris Ferdinandi, educator and consultant, returns to the podcast to talk about web components, what they are, and why devs should consider using them.
Webpack to Turbopack with Tobias Koppers
January 3rd, 2024 | Season 4 | 35 mins 25 secs
turbopack, webpack
We talked with Webpack and Turbopack creator, Tobias Koppers, about the history of Webpack, the evolution of Turbopack, and more!
ICYMI: The Epic Stack with Kent C. Dodds
December 23rd, 2023 | Season 3 | 30 mins 6 secs
dev tools
In this repeat episode picked by host Noel Minchow, Kent C. Dodds talks about his project, the Epic Stack, a stack curated by Kent aimed at giving devs the tools they need without overwhelming them with too many options.
Supabase Launch Week X with Jon Meyers
December 22nd, 2023 | Season 3 | 35 mins 3 secs
Jon Meyers, Developer Advocate at Supabase, returns to talk about Supabase’s most recent launch week, discussing the new AI-powered RLS Editor, Edge Functions, Auth Hooks, and more!
Rocket surgery: 2023 in review
December 21st, 2023 | Season 3 | 39 mins 42 secs
javascript, web development
Our panel of hosts come together for one last episode of 2023, reviewing all the past events of the year, what they loved and what they hated, and what they’re looking forward to in 2024.
Local-first apps with ElectricSQL with James Arthur
December 20th, 2023 | Season 3 | 35 mins 34 secs
With the rise of the popularity of local-first, James Arthur, Co-Founder and CEO of ElectricSQL, gives a deep dive on local-first development and how ElectricSQL enables developers to build local-first apps on Postgres.
Rust’s and React’s unlikely friendship with Sara Vieira
December 19th, 2023 | Season 3 | 23 mins 43 secs
react, rust, tauri
Live today, Sara Vieira, developer at axo.dev, joined the pod to talk about how Rust and React can work harmoniously by using Tauri.
Astro 4 with Elian Van Cutsem
December 18th, 2023 | Season 3 | 26 mins 42 secs
With the recent release of Astro 4, we talked to Elian Van Cutsem, Community Engineer at Astro, about all the new features of the release.
React Native AI and indie hacking with Nader Dabit
December 13th, 2023 | Season 3 | 30 mins 49 secs
indie hacking, react native ai
Learn about the newest mobile framework, React Native AI, from creator Nader Dabit, and why he’s focusing on indie hacking.
Building infinitely scalable applications with Alec Chernicki
December 12th, 2023 | Season 3 | 24 mins 5 secs
scalable applications
Alec Chernicki, Web Architect at Disney+ and Hulu, comes on to talk about how developers can use monorepos to effectively scale applications to an enterprise level.