PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket
We found 10 episodes of PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket with the tag “web development”.
Svelte 4, Kent C. Dodds, and Matteo Collina
June 30th, 2023 | Season 3 | 13 mins 1 sec
javascript, svelte, web development
In this week’s roundup, hear snippets of our discussions about the recent release of Svelte 4 with Geoff Rich, Kent C. Dodds explains his newest stack, The Epic Stack, and Matteo Collina explains modular monoliths.
The Epic Stack with Kent C. Dodds
June 14th, 2023 | Season 3 | 29 mins 41 secs
dev tools, web development
Kent C. Dodds is back again with his newest project, the Epic Stack, a stack curated by Kent aimed at giving devs the tools they need without overwhelming them with too many options.
AI code conversion with Thomas Lopes
April 19th, 2023 | Season 3 | 25 mins 8 secs
ai, codeverter, web development
With the rise of AI tools, we talk to Thomas Lopes, the creator of Codeverter, a code conversion tool hosted by Vercel, about how he sees AI will build and transform tools in web development.
Remix, Svelte, and robots with James Quick and Amy Dutton
February 10th, 2023 | Season 3 | 34 mins 24 secs
remix, svelte, web development
James Quick is a developer, speaker, and teacher. Amy Dutton is the Director of Design at Zeal, together they host the Compressed.fm podcast, a weekly podcast about web design and development. Today they join us to talk about what they are excited about in development in 2023.
Rocket Surgery: 2022 in review with Kaelan Cooter and Noel Minchow
December 21st, 2022 | Season 2 | 1 hr 4 mins
frontend development, javascript, web development
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to serve hot takes on 2022. Join PodRocket hosts Noel and Kaelan as they discuss the ups and downs of web development in 2022, what they hated, what they loved, and how they think the industry will change in 2023.
A complete rewrite of ESLint with Nicholas Zakas
December 15th, 2022 | Season 2 | 24 mins 32 secs
eslint, rust, web development
Web development has changed a lot since the release of ESLint in 2013. Nicholas Zakas, the creator of ESLint, joins us to talk about the complete rewrite of ESLint, goals for the rewrite, and how the rewrite will leverage Rust.
Deno with Ryan Dahl
December 14th, 2022 | Season 2 | 31 mins 25 secs
deno, javascript runtimes, nodejs, web development
We sit down with Ryan Dahl, creator of Deno and Node.js, to talk about his experience in web development, why he created Node.js, and why he sees Deno as the next step for JavaScript runtimes.
The Launch Pad with Cassidy Williams, Michael Chan, and Alex Trost
October 18th, 2022 | Season 2 | 50 mins 46 secs
frontend development, javascript, react, web development, webdev
In our first-ever panel episode, PodRocket Producer Emily brings together Cassidy Williams, Michael Chan, and Alex Trost to talk about breaking up with React, web components, and the pros and cons of using Prettier. Plus, hot takes that will make you ask, is this a web development podcast?
Reimagining Web Development in Your Browser with Adewale Abati
October 5th, 2022 | Season 2 | 36 mins
browser-based ides, codesandbox, web development
Adewale “Ace” Abati, Senior Developer Advocate for CodeSandbox, comes back to PodRocket to talk about how CodeSandbox has evolved and how developers can pivot their own web development to browser-based IDEs.
AnimXYZ with Mattan and Miles Ingram
August 31st, 2022 | Season 2 | 39 mins 50 secs
frontend development, javascript, web development
We talk to Mattan and Miles Ingram, creators of AnimXYZ, about how they set out to create a JavaScript animation library where you can program animations using plain English.