Misko Hevery
Special guest
CTO at builder.io, creator of Qwik and Angular, co-creator of karmajs.
Misko Hevery has been a guest on 4 episodes.
Builder.io, Visual Copilot, and Partytown with Misko Hevery
November 28th, 2023 | Season 3 | 39 mins 12 secs
builder.io, partytown, visual copilot
Miško Hevery, CTO of Builder.io and creator of Angular, returns to talk about Builder.io’s new AI tool, Visual Copilot, Partytown, and more in the Builder.io ecosystem.
Speed up React apps with less JavaScript with Miško Hevery
June 28th, 2023 | Season 3 | 24 mins 55 secs
javascript, react
Miško Hevery, creator of Angular, Qwik, and CTO of Builder.io, comes on to talk about how too much JavaScript can slow apps down and how to rectify it.
Qwik and Qwik City with Miško Hevery
November 17th, 2022 | Season 2 | 37 mins 50 secs
frameworks, javascript, qwik, qwik city, server side rendering
Qwik is a new kind of web framework that can deliver instant loading web applications at any size. Miško Hevery is the creator of Angular and Qwik and CTO of Builder.io. Miško joins us today to talk about Qwik and Qwik’s meta-framework, Qwik City.
Qwik, Partytown, and builder.io with Misko Hevery
November 9th, 2021 | Season 1 | 47 mins 29 secs
frontend development, frontend web development angular, software engineering, tech, technology, web development
Misko Hevery, the creator of Angular, joins us to talk about his latest projects at builder.io including Qwik, the HTML first framework, and Partytown, a lazy-loaded 6kb library to help relocate resource-intensive scripts into a web worker, and off of the main thread. Learn more in this episode.