Ryland Goldstein
Special guest
Head of Product at Temporal.io, writer for Stackoverflow, and game engine dev.
Ryland Goldstein has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Temporal in 2023 with Ryland Goldstein
July 11th, 2023 | Season 3 | 41 mins 37 secs
Temporal is a platform for developers to build highly reliable and scalable applications. Head of Product at Temporal, Ryland Goldstein talks to us about how Temporal helps developers write code that is simple and durable. Listen now to learn more.
Temporal with Maxim Fateev and Ryland Goldstein
September 29th, 2022 | Season 2 | 48 mins 13 secs
development, open source, operations
Temporal is a developer-first, open-source platform that ensures the successful execution of services and applications. We talk to Maxim Fateev, CEO and co-founder, and Ryland Goldstein, Head of Product, about how Temporal simplifies development and operations, and the future of the product.