Dev Agrawal

Special guest

I am Dev Agrawal, a software developer. I work at the UC IT Solutions Center.

I got interested into the field of computer science very early, when my brother introduced my to something called "C++". The power of making a computer do whatever I wanted through text commands felt amazing. That's when my love of learning kicked in, which made me spend hours everyday learning about programming and software development. School was boring, so I had a lot of time to dedicate to my newfound love.

I am a problem solver. I have always been attracted to puzzles and riddles. I like how they compel you to move all the gears of your brain for one purpose - search for a solution. And successfully finding the solution is highly rewarding. This is why I was attracted to the Information Technology program - most of it is problem solving.

Dev Agrawal has been a guest on 1 episode.