Beth Griggs
Special guest
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat and a Node.js Technical Steering Committee Member. Beth has been involved with the Node.js project since 2016, when she joined IBM in their Node.js Runtime Team. Now at Red Hat, she’s continuing her work around Node.js, including contributing to the Node.js project. Beth is an active member of the Node.js Release Working Group, who audit the content for and produce the Node.js releases. Her other focuses are the creation of resources and tooling to support Node.js deployments to cloud.
Regularly presents and runs workshops both internally and externally at international conferences, including at NodeSummit, London Node.js User Group, NodeConfEU.
Previously worked as a Software Engineer at IBM, Seagate Technology, and SeaRoc Limited.
Beth Griggs has been a guest on 1 episode.
Node.js 18 with Beth Griggs
May 26th, 2022 | Season 2 | 40 mins 15 secs
javascript, node.js, web development
In this episode, we talk about the newest release of Node.js 18 with Beth Griggs, Senior Software Engineer at RedHat and Node.js TSC Member, what the new features are, how devs can contribute, and the future of Node.