Paul Mikulskis
Co-Host of PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket
Software Engineer at LogRocket
Paul Mikulskis has hosted 174 Episodes.
DuckDB-Wasm with André Kohn
May 18th, 2022 | Season 2 | 41 mins 42 secs
database, wasm, webassembly
DuckDB-Wasm is an in-process analytical SQL database for the browser. It is powered by WebAssembly and has been tested with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Node.js. Creator, André Kohn, joins us to talk about DuckDB-Wasm, WebAssembly, and the future of databases.
Flipside Crypto with Angela Minster
May 6th, 2022 | Season 2 | 42 mins 49 secs
blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency
Angela Minster, Data Scientist at Flipside Crypto, talks about creating the FCAS rating, how Flipside Crypto is providing historical blockchain data, and explains decentralized exchanges.
QuickNode with Anthony Campolo and Noah Hein
April 22nd, 2022 | Season 2 | 43 mins 6 secs
blockchain, crypto, ethereum
Anthony Campolo and Noah Hein come on to talk about QuickNode, what it's like to be on the DevRel team, how QuickNode provides an infrastructure for blockchains, and more.
Encore with André Eriksson
April 13th, 2022 | Season 2 | 34 mins 21 secs
backend development, backend engine, golang
We talk to André Eriksson, founder of Encore, a backend development engine built on Go, about how Encore makes it easier to write code in editors, build distributed systems and backends, and work with Go.
AgnosticUI with Rob Levin
April 1st, 2022 | Season 2 | 30 mins 12 secs
design, frontend development, user interface
AgnosticUI is a set of UI primitives that work in React, Vue 3, Angular, and Svelte. AgnosticUI creator, Rob Levin, joins us today to talk about design technology, component libraries, and more.
Open-source supply chain security with Feross Aboukhadijeh
March 22nd, 2022 | Season 2 | 44 mins 8 secs
open source, security, web development
Feross Aboukhadijeh is the creator of WebTorrent, StandardJS, and Wormhole. We talked to Feross about Wormhole back in June and he joins us now to talk about, a new security company that can protect your most critical apps from supply chain attacks.
Final Form with Erik Rasmussen
March 16th, 2022 | Season 2 | 41 mins 32 secs
frontend development, react, redux, web development
Final Form is framework agnostic, high performance, subscription-based form state management. Erik Rasmussen creator of Final Form, joins us to talk about state management, why you should not use Redux Form, and more.
Kernel (with an E L) with Angela Gilhotra
March 15th, 2022 | Season 2 | 32 mins 37 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, web3
Kernel is a custom web3 educational community. Angela Gilhotra joins us to talk about Kernel, creator economies, Convo (a convivial tool that helps Kernel grow environments for dialogue by easing the coordination required), how to correctly spell Kernel, and more.
Streaming blockchain data with Alexandre Bourget
March 4th, 2022 | Season 2 | 45 mins 34 secs
blockchain, data, web3
StreamingFast is a blockchain API company that makes it possible to stream real-time state updates, conduct fast searches, and provide irreversible transaction guarantees by using a simple API call. StreamingFast Co-Founder and CTO, Alexandre Bourget, joins us to talk about streaming blockchain data, the Graph, and more.
Slinkity with Ben Holmes
February 23rd, 2022 | Season 2 | 32 mins 59 secs
11ty, tech, web development, webdev
Ben Holmes joins us to talk about Slinkity -- the simplest way to handle styles and component frameworks on your 11ty site.
Supabase: Part 2 with Jon Meyers
February 11th, 2022 | Season 2 | 36 mins 15 secs
database, frontend development, frontend web development, software engineering, supabase, tech, technology, web development
It's our 100th episode of PodRocket! Jon Meyers, Developer Advocate at Supabase joins us to talk about the open-source alternative to Firebase, updates since we talked to Supabase CEO, Paul Copplestone, what to look for in 2022, and more.
Getting started with Golang with Johnny Boursiquot
January 21st, 2022 | Season 2 | 41 mins 30 secs
frontend development, frontend web development, golang, software engineering, tech, technology, web development
Johnny Boursiquot hosts the Go Time podcast, runs Go Meetups, and is super involved in the Go community. Today he joins us to talk about how to get started with Go, how Go compares to Rust, and his current role as a Platform Observability Engineer at Heroku.
Web3 101 with Noah Hein
January 19th, 2022 | Season 2 | 40 mins 44 secs
blockchain, frontend development, frontend web development, software engineering, tech, technology, web development, web3
Curious about Web3 but not sure where to start? Noah Hein joins us to share some blockchain and Web3 fundamentals.
Web3 with Nader Dabit
December 17th, 2021 | Season 1 | 42 mins 7 secs
bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, dao, web3
Nader Dabit, DevRel at Edge and Node, joins us to talk about crypto, Web3, the Developer DAO, and The Graph - an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS.