PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

509 episodes of PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket since the first episode, which aired on November 11th, 2020.

  • Gatsby is joining Netlify with Kyle Mathews

    March 10th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  31 mins 4 secs
    gatsby, netlify

    Gatsby founder, Kyle Mathews, joins us on PodRocket to talk about Netlify’s recent acquisition of Gatsby and what this means for the future.

  • Fully Typed Web Apps with Kent C. Dodds

    March 8th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  31 mins 24 secs
    web apps

    Kent C. Dodds has a blog post for everything, and in today’s episode he returns to PodRocket to talk about his blog post, “Fully Typed Web Apps.”

  • Product design with Adam Wiggins

    March 7th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  40 mins 59 secs
    product design, productivity, remote work, research

    Co-Founder and former CTO of Heroku, Adam Wiggins, joins us to talk about product design, research, remote work, and productivity. Listen now.

  • Nuxt in 2023 with Alexander Lichter

    March 3rd, 2023  |  Season 3  |  34 mins 3 secs
    nitro, nuxt 3

    What’s new in Nuxt 3? What is Nitro? What does island architecture mean in Nuxt? Alex Lichter answers these questions for us in this episode.

  • Vercel Edge Functions, Next.js, and AI apps with Hassan El Mghari

    March 1st, 2023  |  Season 3  |  20 mins 46 secs
    nextjs, vercel, vercel edge functions

    Hassan El Mghari is a Senior Developer Advocate at Vercel, he joins us today to talk about some of his projects and how he has been using Vercel Edge Functions and Next.js to build them.

  • Your testing questions answered

    February 28th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  36 mins 15 secs
    mailbag, testing

    In our first-ever mailbag episode, testing experts Debbie O’Brien, Gleb Bahmutov, and Kent C. Dodds answer your questions about testing.

  • Vuetify 3 with John Leider

    February 24th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  37 mins 30 secs
    ui, vue, vuetify

    John Leider, the creator of Vuetify, a UI Library with beautifully handcrafted Vue Components, comes onto the show to talk about the latest release, Vuetify 3.

  • WASM with Shivay Lamba

    February 23rd, 2023  |  Season 3  |  28 mins 22 secs

    Shivay Lamba joins us to talk about server-side WASM, common misconceptions about WASM, and more.

  • SvelteKit 1.0 with Rich Harris

    February 22nd, 2023  |  Season 3  |  32 mins 38 secs
    sveltekit, vercel

    Rich Harris joins us on this episode to talk about SvelteKit 1.0, Vercel, the future, and more!

  • CockroachDB with Aydrian Howard

    February 21st, 2023  |  Season 3  |  27 mins 26 secs
    database, sql

    DevRel at CockroachDB, Aydrian Howard, joins us to talk about how CockroachDB gives all of your apps effortless scale, bulletproof resilience, and more.

  • The Launch Pad with Lindsay Wardell and Tejas Kumar

    February 17th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  41 mins 7 secs
    astro, create react, gatsby

    We’re back with episode three of the Launch Pad with Lindsay Wardell and Tejas Kumar, as we cover the latest acquisition of Gatsby, what we should do with Create React App, and what we think of the Astro 2.0 release.

  • Prisma with Alex Ruheni

    February 16th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  25 mins 15 secs
    databases, prisma

    Developer Advocate, Alex Ruheni, joins us to talk about database workflows with Prisma, database access on the edge, and Prisma 4.9.

  • Using Svelte and Tailwind to build reactive interfaces with Chris Simmons

    February 15th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  26 mins 11 secs
    skeleton, svelte, tailwind, ui

    Chris Simmons is the creator of Skeleton, a UI toolkit for Svelte and Tailwind. We talk to Chris today about how he got started with Svelte and how to build reactive interfaces using Svelte and Tailwind.

  • Enhancing FWAs with web components with Brian LeRoux

    February 14th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  34 mins 40 secs
    function web apps, web components

    Brian LeRoux, founder of Begin, comes to talk about their conference talk, “Enhance your functional web apps with web components” from last year’s CascadiaJS conference.

  • Remix, Svelte, and robots with James Quick and Amy Dutton

    February 10th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  34 mins 24 secs
    remix, svelte, web development

    James Quick is a developer, speaker, and teacher. Amy Dutton is the Director of Design at Zeal, together they host the Compressed.fm podcast, a weekly podcast about web design and development. Today they join us to talk about what they are excited about in development in 2023.

  • Flightcontrol in 2023 with Brandon Bayer

    February 8th, 2023  |  Season 3  |  29 mins 34 secs
    aws, flightcontrol, paas

    Brandon Bayer returns to PodRocket to talk about the state of Flightcontrol in 2023. Flightcontrol gives you the power of AWS and the promise of PaaS. Listen now.