Adam Argyle
Special guest
Chrome CSS Developer Advocate at Google and co-host of the CSS podcast
Adam Argyle has been a guest on 9 episodes.
Building on Vercel's stack, opt-in design, and CSS nesting
December 15th, 2023 | Season 3 | 11 mins 13 secs
css nesting, opt-in design, vercel's stack
In this week’s roundup episode, we cover why React Miami’s creator chose to build her conference infrastructure on Vercel’s stack, what opt-in design is, and the evolution of CSS testing.
CSS nesting with Adam Argyle
December 8th, 2023 | Season 3 | 47 mins 59 secs
With the recent announcement that most major browsers support CSS nesting, Adam Argyle, Google Chrome DevRel and part of the CSS Working Group, returns to give a deep dive on the long-awaited feature.
CSS in 2023, TypeScript performance, and responsive design
July 28th, 2023 | Season 3 | 11 mins 44 secs
css, responsive design, typescript
In this week’s round-up episode, we talk to Kevin Powell about the CSS is selector, Aleksandra Sikora about how to optimize TypeScript Performance, and Una Kravets and Adam Argyle about the future of responsive design.
The future of responsive design with Una Kravets and Adam Argyle
July 21st, 2023 | Season 3 | 58 mins 8 secs
responsive design
Una Kravets and Adam Argyle join us to talk about color spaces, vertical rhythm, progressive enhancement, interface responsiveness, fonts, and more!
The state of CSS in 2023 with Adam Argyle (Repeat)
May 20th, 2023 | Season 3 | 36 mins 42 secs
css, ui, ux
CSS all-star Adam Argyle, Chrome CSS and UI Developer Relations at Google and part of the CSS Working Group, joins us to review how CSS changed in 2022 and what we should expect in 2023.
Your UI/UX questions answered
March 31st, 2023 | Season 3 | 45 mins 41 secs
ui, ux, web design
You had questions about UI and UX design, and we answered. We go through your questions with our panel of experts, Adam Argyle, Stephanie Eckles, and Stacy Kvernmo.
The state of CSS in 2023 with Adam Argyle
January 20th, 2023 | Season 3 | 35 mins 22 secs
CSS all-star Adam Argyle, Chrome CSS and UI Developer Relations at Google and part of the CSS Working Group, joins us to review how CSS changed in 2022 and what we should expect in 2023.
The state of CSS in 2022 with Adam Argyle
June 29th, 2022 | Season 2 | 49 mins 3 secs
browser compatibility, cascade layers, css
We welcome Adam Argyle back onto the pod as we discuss his latest talk from Google I/O 2022, “The State of CSS in 2022.” We talk browser compatibility, cascade layers, color, and so much more.
Philosophical CSS discussions with Adam Argyle
December 3rd, 2021 | Season 1 | 38 mins 4 secs
css, frontend development, frontend web development, software engineering, tech, technology, web development
Adam Argyle, Chrome CSS Developer Advocate at Google and co-host of the CSS podcast, joins us to talk about CSS, design, edge case wrangling, and more.